Fireplace Restoration and Why You Can’t D-I-Y

There are many reasons to have a chimney inspection, including new property, damage, fire, and more. When you schedule a professional chimney inspection you should receive a report on the condition of your fireplace and chimney, along with a recommendation for needed repairs.

Fireplace Restoration and why you cant diy - Boston MA - Billy SweetProblems with the Fireplace

Common issues with the firebox can include cracks, water damage, and deterioration to the masonry. Some minor problems can be repaired quickly and easily, but more extensive damage calls for further inspection, and sometimes restoration.

Since cracks in the masonry are considered a fire hazard by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) it is vital to repair them immediately. Not only do cracks allow creosote to form on interior walls, but they also allow more water damage into the firebox. When damage becomes irreparable, a professional will recommend fireplace restoration, which will restore your fireplace to safe use.

Another reason a fireplace may need restoration is because the firebox dimensions do not allow for proper ventilation, causing smoke to fill the room. With the growing use of prefabricated fireboxes, the art of chimney construction has been a dying one. Many general contractors aren’t trained or experienced in the ins and outs of building a properly-dimensioned fireplace and chimney system, and should always consult a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® (CCS)  during construction.

Don’t D-I-Y

Only a Certified Chimney Sweep® constantly trains in and implements the safety standards of the industry. At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we strive to offer the best service to the Boston, North Shore, and Portland areas, while upholding the safety codes of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). When you hire a Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep you get a detailed cleaning, a thorough inspection, and an expert recommendation. Your fireplace restoration should leave you confident in your system’s safety, beauty, and efficiency. Because we know how important your home is to you, we work with homeowners closely to insure they’re not only pleased with the final result, but it adheres to the standards of home owners insurance, and safety codes.

In this do-it-yourself world, there are just some things you don’t chance. The safety of your family and property is one of them. Only a profession is experienced and trained in chimney safety and repair, and only Billy Sweet Chimney Sweeps have thirty years of experience servicing chimneys in New England.

When you hire a Billy Sweet professional we will take before and after photos for insurance or real estate purposes. We also invite homeowners to review our services on Google and Yelp so that you know what you’re getting when you hire us to come into your home or business. We let our service speak for itself.

If you have a problem with your fireplace or chimney system and are ready to make the necessary repairs before burning season, contact Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep today!

The End of Burn Season: Preparing for Fall

The weather is warm and you’re ready to open the windows and shut off the furnace or fireplace. While your spring cleaning is in full swing, don’t forget your fireplace and chimney. Homeowners should make it a priority to prepare their chimney system for fall.

The End of Burn Season Preparing for Fall - Boston MA - Billy Sweet Chimney

Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late

You can’t predict the weather. If you have put off your chimney cleaning and annual chimney inspection until the fall, you may be tempted to start a fire in a dirty or dangerous chimney. Make sure it’s ready when you need it.

You may invite unpleasant odors into your home. If your chimney is not inspected and your chimney cap is damaged or installed improperly, you may find animals making a home in your chimney. These animals may die and leave an odor in your home. Also, when ashes are left in the fireplace or furnace, they can combine with moisture from the chimney and cause more unpleasant odors. These odors are unwelcome in a newly clean house!

Your insurance may require it. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends regular chimney sweepings, and annual chimney inspections to insure the safety and efficiency of your chimney system. A Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep uses a Chim-Scan® camera system in order to see every part of the interior of your chimney. With this thorough system we are able to give you a detailed report of our findings for insurance or real estate purposes.

You may need repairs that are best completed during the off season. Chimney sweeps are less busy during the off season, so it is easier to schedule an appointment during this time. When you schedule your cleaning and inspection in the spring, you have the summer to make repairs if needed. This is a great way to make sure your chimney system is ready for fall!

Let the Professionals Handle It

You can rest easy knowing that a professional chimney sweep has taken care of your chimney. At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we are proud to offer services by a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® []. These chimney sweeps offer professional services and expert advice, because their first priority is the safety of your home or business. We know that neglect to chimney maintenance can cause flue fires as well as life-threatening gas accumulation in the home, and chimney damage or low-efficiency.

When you’re finished using your furnace or fireplace for the season, it is the best time to schedule your chimney maintenance and service with a professional at Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep. Call us today, and don’t regret it tomorrow.

Servicing Your Ash Pit

There is a strange-looking, cast iron trapdoor beneath your furnace, at the base of your chimney, or in some cases your basement or cellar. If you just purchased your home, you may not know what this is you’ve acquired. Upon further investigation you realize it is full of dusty ash from years gone by—decades, to be exact, possibly a hundred years or more of ash accumulation can fit into most ash pits.

Servicing Your Ash Pit - Boston MA - Billy Sweet Chimney SweepCleaning the Ash Pit

Because you may not know what is in your ash pit, or what condition it’s in, it’s best to clean it before use.

It’s important to note that ash removal from the ash pit is not part of a routine chimney sweep. However Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep would be happy to offer you an estimate for ash pit cleaning, and this is a fantastic service to couple with your annual chimney inspection. Taking care of your chimney and fireplace while you are Spring Cleaning ensures you are ready for business, and if there is a problem, you will have time to fix it before the next burning season.

Using the Ash Pit

If you know nothing else about ash pits remember that you should avoid allowing hot coals, ashes, or embers into your ash pit. If you notice smoke coming from your ash pit call 911 as soon as possible. Smoldering fire in the ash pit can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and house fires. However, the ash pit is designed to protect against fires and will do so when used properly.

Many homeowners decide to leave the ash to accumulate until the ash pit is nearing capacity. This could mean decades and decades worth of ashes before it’s filled. Some ash pits are as big as a few feet across, and some several feet deep. It’s even quite common for the clean-out door to be on the outside of the house. These ashes can be removed through the trap door with an ash shovel, although you may need a longer handle for this job due to the size of most ash pits, and you’ll also need an ash bucket on hand. Because of the large amount of ash, and the age of the ash, it’s wise to where a respirator or face mask until the job is finished to protect from breathing in dust and by-products. If your ash pit door is inside your home, running an exhaust fan could clear the ash dust from the air when you are finished with the task, but you should run a fan while you are cleaning out the ash, as it will blow the ash dust.

Servicing the Ash Pit

If you’ve seen your ash pit and think it’s not a job you want to do, call in a professional! At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we offer expert services by Certified Chimney Sweeps. You can rest easy knowing that you’re leaving the dirty work up to the professionals, and your complete heating system will be in perfect working order for the next burning season. Don’t waste a moment. Schedule your appointment today.

Your Alternative Fuel Furnace: Scheduling Services

You may be one of many home and business owners who think an oil or bio diesel furnace doesn’t need regular service. These types of appliances seem low-maintenance, but it’s important to remember that doesn’t mean NO maintenance!

Anytime you have a question or concern about your heating system, you should seek a qualified professional to look at your system completely.


It is important to hire a licensed and insured professional to install heat appliances in your home or business. A professional can ensure the appliance is properly connected to the fuel source, check for leaks, and inspect the whole heat system upon installation.

This type of work should not be D-I-Y, and proper safety precautions should be top priority. A Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep is experienced in alternative fuel furnaces, and will make certain the whole heating system (heat appliance and chimney system) are ready for operation before use.

How It Works

Alternative fuel furnaces are still fuel furnaces, just like wood or gas furnaces. When fuel is burned, it creates a byproduct in the form of gas and particles. This byproduct has to escape as it’s produced, so it escapes through the chimney system. Since oil is one of the most clean burning fuels, some may believe the chimney stays clean after a season of use, but this just isn’t true. All chimneys must be swept regularly, and inspected annually to ensure safety.

Oil furnaces have long running cycles during the winter season, and must be cleaned and inspected to prevent soot buildup. When soot builds up in the chimney overtime, especially when overlooked by an untrained technician, it can cause chimney decay and blockage. The soot becomes dangerous to the lining of your chimney when combined with moisture that may seep in. When this happens, only a professional can repair or replace the lining in your chimney.

Hire a Professional

call billy sweet - Boston MA - Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep

The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends annual inspections for safe and efficient operation. Some may believe the oil burner company will do the best job for your oil burning appliance. However, CSIA warns that the oil burner company may send a technician to your home or business, but they may not even check the chimney. They may only clean the bottom of the chimney out, near the appliance. CSIA says that some will even inspect the chimney without looking at it thoroughly.

This is not the case when you hire one of Billy Sweet’s Chimney Sweeps. We are certified by CSIA and agree that appliances and chimneys should have a thorough inspection annually in order to prevent chimney fires.

Billy Sweep Chimney Sweeps

We are experienced and ready to sweep your chimney of soot and debris, and perform an annual inspection at your request. Find out what we can do for you to ensure the safety of your home or business.

Call or schedule an appointment online.

How Winter Hurts Your Chimney

Your beautiful fireplace has always come through for you. It faithfully heats your home during brutal New England winters and creates a tranquil setting on a snowy evening. Even during the summer, the fireplace acts as a majestic focal point in your home. In fact, the fireplace may be credited with helping to convince you to purchase the home in the first place.


If you want to enjoy your fireplace for years to come, it will need proper maintenance. Most people have the chimney swept every year, which is a good practice but often not enough. The majority of homeowners neglect one piece of chimney care that might result in thousands of dollars in damage: winter effects.

With a masonry chimney, the exterior construction will consist of any material such as brick, stone, mortar or concrete. Additionally, the internal materials may include steel, cast iron or flue tile. Your chimney has some combination of these and each one, except stone, can experience damage after years of exposure to cold, snowy winters.

Brick, mortar and concrete are all very porous materials and will readily absorb water, which includes melted snow as well. When these waterlogged materials go through the freeze and thaw cycle of winter, they also undergo needless distress. This stress inevitably expands and weakens the structure, which leads to cracks or even collapse. While stone is immune to the freeze and thaw stress, if your chimney is made of stone, you still need to watch for water damage. The mortar securing the stones experiences the damages of freezing and needs inspection and repairs even if the stone is unharmed.

The melted snow can also leak inside the chimney, where the steel flue will rust. Now, water can infiltrate the inside of the masonry, which means further damage. If the water travels down the chimney, the damper apparatus eventually rusts, so the fireplace may fail to vent properly. The water may go on to cause more damage such as rusted fireplace face and doors, deteriorated hearth, and soaked ceilings or walls around the fireplace.

The cost of preventing these damages is much more reasonable than paying for the repairs. To properly prevent water damage from melted snow, you have a few options.

Water will first enter the chimney through the top. Having a chimney service install a chimney cap is a great, inexpensive way to prevent interior water damage. Some masonry chimneys also have a structure known as a crown. This concrete slab acts as a roof for the chimney to prevent water from leaking inside. Over time, the concrete will crack, so the crown may require patching or complete replacement to ensure proper water resistance. Another part of the chimney that may leak is the flashing, or the aluminum cover that seals the seam where the chimney protrudes through the roof. The flashing is sealed with tar, which may simply need to be redone. A good way to protect the outside of the chimney is to have a chimney service apply a sealant. The vapor-permeable sealant allows moisture to escape but prevent exterior water from entering the porous materials.

If you live in the areas of Boston, Massachusetts; Portland, Maine, or North Shore, contact Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep for a professional consultation. These experts will ensure your chimney and fireplace will hold up for many more winters to come.

Do a Chimney Cleaning and Inspection Before the Rush

Now that summertime is coming to a close and the kids have returned to school, we can enjoy shift into fall. The time of year filled with changing colors, crunchy leaves and pumpkin carving has begun, in addition to the promise of cooler weather. While the first few days of fall might warm up in remembrance of a sizzling summer, the weather will eventually cool off. Before you know it, snow will cover the ground in the midst of a furious New England winter.


Usually, now is when everyone shuts off the central air conditioning and opens the windows to keep everyone comfortable in the house. For many, starting up the fireplace is a passing thought in the back of their mind, but sooner or later the time will come to build that first fire. These same people who fail to remember their fireplaces until high time must battle the busiest season to find a service person who is free to inspect and clean their chimney.

Instead of rushing right before your holiday get-together to have your chimney cleaned, schedule a date for regular maintenance now. Starting in fall, the chimney cleaning services are swamped, and it lasts through the holidays. Many companies book up several weeks in advance at this time, and as the weeks go by and the temperature drops, any snow and ice may make it impossible to get on the roof anyway.

Call Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep today to make an appointment to have your chimney swept and inspected. Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep works out of Eastern Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, and the Portland, Maine area.

This business provides reasonably priced chimney sweeping services in addition to inspections that meet the most up to date codes set by the National Fire Protection Association. Along with each inspection, Billy Sweet offers a courtesy video scanning of the inside of your chimney with Chim-scan products. You receive a comprehensive overview of the condition of your chimney with this closed circuit video inspection, and it aids you in making the right decision on repairs and updates.

You should have your fireplace and chimney inspected once every year, but especially if you recently moved into a new house, your fireplace has been inactive for an extended time or if you have run into any problems with the fireplace. The freeze-thaw cycle of a New England winter and any water leaks into the masonry may result in structural harm to the chimney, which needs to be inspected annually. If a fireplace has lay dormant for some time, such as since it was used last winter, pests like birds may have made a home of the chimney and created an obstructed vent. Lighting a fire in a fireplace with a clogged vent poses serious risks to your house and family.

With summer wrapping up and fireplace time quickly approaching, right now is the best time to make your chimney sweep and inspection appointment with Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep.