Humidity and Your Stinky Fireplace

After a long winter of wood-burning you don’t want to worry aboutGet Rid of Bad Odors in Your Chimney IMG-Mansfield OH-Chim Cheroo Chimney Service Inc.-w800-h597 your fireplace and chimney. You want to enjoy your summer, and avoid dealing with a stinky chimney.

Seasons and Your Chimney

During the burning season your chimney is working to heat the house. As organic material is burned, a byproduct is left in the chimney flue called creosote. Creosote builds up onto the lining of the chimney, is heated and cooled, and becomes a glazed substance known as level 3, or glazed creosote. Glazed creosote is highly flammable and can cause blockage, slowing the rise of hot vapors, which raises the risk of ignition and flue fire.

If this creosote isn’t removed after burning season, the risk of fire is no longer present during the summer. However, creosote is a very dense material which begins to have a foul odor if moisture reaches it. During the summer months, when humidity is high, homeowners may notice an odor coming from the chimney. This odor is most likely creosote buildup in the chimney.

Fall begins burning season once again, and no chimney should be used without a proper cleaning and inspection.

Recommended Chimney Sweeps and Inspections

The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)  recommends regular chimney sweeps, and annual chimney inspections. To ensure the safety of your family and property, you should hire a CSIA certified chimney sweep for your cleaning and inspection. It’s at this appointment that all creosote will be removed and the chimney is put into working condition for another burning season. If you decide to schedule a chimney sweep during the summer, it will help with the chimney odor as well.

The Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends some additional steps homeowners can take to decrease the odors from the chimney.

Install a Damper

A professional chimney sweep should be able to fit and install a damper to your chimney system to prevent the stinky air from falling into the fireplace or appliance.

Correct the Draft Problem

If air is being pulled down the chimney there may be a draft problem in the home. Another appliance may pull air from the chimney, or the house may be too tight, and need a vent elsewhere in the house. Try and crack a window in a different part of the house. If a draft is causing your stinky chimney, a damper could also correct the problem.

Household Hacks

Some homeowners have had luck with using household products to prevent a stinky chimney. Placing baking soda inside the appliance or fireplace is one common method used. Another method is to use kitty litter to collect the odors.

The best way to correct and prevent a stinky chimney is to keep up with the regular cleaning and maintenance of your chimney. And, if the smell persists, call a professional! At Billy Sweet we are quick to assess a problem. Our technicians are familiar with the area’s climate and seasons, and we know how to stop odors, even caused by natural humidity.

Call Billy Sweet Chimney Sweeps today and say goodbye to your stinky chimney this summer.

The End of Burn Season: Preparing for Fall

The weather is warm and you’re ready to open the windows and shut off the furnace or fireplace. While your spring cleaning is in full swing, don’t forget your fireplace and chimney. Homeowners should make it a priority to prepare their chimney system for fall.

The End of Burn Season Preparing for Fall - Boston MA - Billy Sweet Chimney

Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late

You can’t predict the weather. If you have put off your chimney cleaning and annual chimney inspection until the fall, you may be tempted to start a fire in a dirty or dangerous chimney. Make sure it’s ready when you need it.

You may invite unpleasant odors into your home. If your chimney is not inspected and your chimney cap is damaged or installed improperly, you may find animals making a home in your chimney. These animals may die and leave an odor in your home. Also, when ashes are left in the fireplace or furnace, they can combine with moisture from the chimney and cause more unpleasant odors. These odors are unwelcome in a newly clean house!

Your insurance may require it. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends regular chimney sweepings, and annual chimney inspections to insure the safety and efficiency of your chimney system. A Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep uses a Chim-Scan® camera system in order to see every part of the interior of your chimney. With this thorough system we are able to give you a detailed report of our findings for insurance or real estate purposes.

You may need repairs that are best completed during the off season. Chimney sweeps are less busy during the off season, so it is easier to schedule an appointment during this time. When you schedule your cleaning and inspection in the spring, you have the summer to make repairs if needed. This is a great way to make sure your chimney system is ready for fall!

Let the Professionals Handle It

You can rest easy knowing that a professional chimney sweep has taken care of your chimney. At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we are proud to offer services by a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep® []. These chimney sweeps offer professional services and expert advice, because their first priority is the safety of your home or business. We know that neglect to chimney maintenance can cause flue fires as well as life-threatening gas accumulation in the home, and chimney damage or low-efficiency.

When you’re finished using your furnace or fireplace for the season, it is the best time to schedule your chimney maintenance and service with a professional at Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep. Call us today, and don’t regret it tomorrow.

How to Prepare Your Chimney & Fireplace For The Upcoming Winter

Some parts of the country may be experiencing record highs, but if you live in the Boston area, North Shore, or the Portland area, winter is inevitable. Have you done everything needed to prepare your chimney and fireplace for the upcoming rough weather? Let Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep help! Our Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified chimney sweeps provide comprehensive chimney and fireplace care and know just what it takes to keep your chimney system looking and working great all winter long.

It All Starts With A Thorough Inspection Performed By A CSIA-Certified Sweep

winter chimney sweep - Boston MA - Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep

When we’re called upon to get your chimney and fireplace ready for the next burn season, the experienced technicians here at Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep come equipped with state-of-the-art equipment so we can analyze the system and make sure it’s still in peak condition. We start with a thorough inspection, using video scanning technology to check both the interior and exterior components of your chimney system for damage, blockages, or other problems that could interfere with the safety and efficiency of your chimney and fireplace. Most chimney and fireplace damage is the result of an undetected or unrepaired leak, improper construction, animal tampering or intrusion, or time and use. Some of the most vulnerable or damage-prone areas are:

  • Chimney Crown
  • Chimney Cap
  • Chimney Masonry
  • Damper
  • Firebox
  • Smoke Chamber
  • Flue Liner

We’ll also check the connected appliance (be it a fireplace, a stove, or an insert) and make sure that everything is properly connected and functioning efficiently. We’ll make note of any flaws or defects, weak points, or areas of concern so you know just what needs to be done and where before lighting up a fire.

Request An Appointment With The Team You Can Trust

Whether you have a stove, a fireplace, or an insert, it’s important that you schedule an annual inspection with a CSIA-certified chimney sweep prior to your first fire of the year. Our team will carefully evaluate your system, clean it from top to bottom (if needed), and make any necessary repairs to restore your system so you can enjoy it all winter long. If you haven’t scheduled your appointment yet, give us a call! We’ll make sure your chimney and fireplace are in great shape and ready to keep you warm, no matter how brutal this winter turns out to be. Call or click to request your appointment today!

The Dangers of Creosote

If you have a fireplace, you likely know that creosote can be a hazard to your home and family. You probably also have your fireplace swept by a certified chimney sweep each year to remove any creosote buildup from your chimney, and perhaps you even burn the occasional creosote sweeping log to help maintain your chimney. But how much do you know about creosote, how it forms, the dangers it poses and how you can keep it at bay? We’ve put together some basic information on creosote so you can better protect your home and family.


What is creosote?

As smoke from your fireplace makes its way to the top of your chimney, it cools. As the smoke cools, it causes condensation of the chemicals and water vapor created when wood burns. The substance left sticking to your walls is creosote. All forms of creosote — whether black or brown, sticky or shiny, hard or tar like — can be found sticking to the insides of most chimneys.

Why is creosote dangerous?

As little as a quarter inch of creosote buildup on the walls of your chimney can be dangerous, putting your home at risk of a chimney fire. Highly combustible, creosote can burst into flames if it is touched by a stray spark from your fireplace, or if chimney temperatures exceed 1,000 degrees. If creosote builds up enough in your chimney, it also can prevent the gases created by the fireplace from exiting your home, which can force dangerous carbon monoxide back into your home.

How can I avoid the dangers of creosote?

Using the right wood in your fireplace can slow the buildup of creosote in your chimney. Only burn dry hardwoods that have been seasoned for a minimum of six months. When wood is improperly seasoned and contains moisture, it produces more water vapor when burned and burns at a cooler temperature, which causes the formation of creosote. Make sure that your fire is large enough for your fireplace. If your logs are too small, the fire won’t burn hot enough for your chimney. Your flue also should be fully opened when you’re burning a fire, as a partially closed flue will cause smoke to remain in your flue longer, encouraging creosote buildup.

Of course, the best way to keep your home safe from a creosote fire is to have your chimney swept and inspected each year by a certified chimney sweep. Your chimney sweep will make sure that your chimney is entirely creosote free. During the sweep’s inspection, he also will make sure your chimney does not show any signs of damage from a past creosote fire, which can weaken your chimney and put your home at danger for a future fire.

If you’re overdue for a chimney sweeping and inspection, don’t wait! Putting off your chimney sweeping puts your home and family in danger of a creosote-caused chimney fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. Call the certified sweeps at Billy Sweet to have your chimney ready for the fire-burning season.

How to Prepare Your Fireplace for Dangerous Winter Storms

In Boston, we are used to heavy snowstorms and blizzards during the winter. In January and February of 2015, we experienced a blizzard that lasted over six weeks and dumped a record 108.6 inches of snow in our area. Even though long-time residents know how to be ready for these types of storms, Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep would like to remind you of how you can prepare your fireplace so that you will not have to worry about being without heat when the power goes out during a blizzard.


Schedule a professional chimney sweeping and inspection before winter arrives.

This maintenance task will take care of removing all of the accumulated creosote from the inner walls of your chimney, which increases fireplace safety and reduces fire hazards. During the inspection, our Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)-certified chimney sweeps will examine the condition of your fireplace and chimney to be sure everything is working safely. If we find any damage, we will make recommendations of the repairs that are necessary for you to use your fireplace safely.

Check the gaskets to see if they need to be repaired or replaced.

You want to ensure that the gaskets on your fireplace doors, damper, and ash dump are providing an effective seal. According to Cabin Living, without a proper seal, too much air can leak into the firebox and cause overfire and permanent damage to your fireplace.

Have the blower cleaned.

If your fireplace is equipped with a blower, you should clean off the dust and dirt from it to protect the balance of the blower. When the blower has too much dust accumulation on its blades, the balance can change and cause the bearings to wear out prematurely. Your fireplace blower typically will not have a filter to keep dust off, so you need to check it regularly to be sure it is clean.

Replace broken or deteriorated bricks in the lining.

When the brick lining is so damaged that it has deteriorated so much that the steel body of the firebox is exposed, the high temperatures can lead to permanent damage. Be sure the bricks are in good shape so you will not have to worry about damage occurring that could make your fireplace unsafe.

Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep is here to help you prepare your fireplace for dangerous storms this winter. Contact us to schedule an appointment for a chimney sweeping and inspection so that you can stay warm and safe this winter.